Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cloth Diapering (again)

I'm in a few due date communities here and there and recently made this post in one of them. A lot of women read it and have decided to cloth diaper their babies! I found that so exciting I figured it couldn't hurt to post the same information here in case anyone else could benefit from it. It's mostly a series of links- but all really helpful I think and it's nice to have it all in one place.


For anyone contemplating- or NOT contemplating using cloth diapers- here are my favorite cloth diapering resources. I was one of those women who said "NEVER" in regards to cloth diapers. I'm not even quite sure why I even gave it a second though, but now I'm really glad I did. After I read up a little more about how easy and awesome they are, I decided to give it a try. And I've never looked back and now my only regret is that I didn't start with cloth from day ONE!

These were what helped me make the decision:

Here is another great resource about cloth diapering that has also helped me tremendously along the way:

This site is quite helpful when it comes to choosing the right detergent for your diapers along with all sorts of other information (including cloth-approved commercial diaper rash creams!):


I just wanted to add that I'm getting more and more excited about trying to make a few more of my own diapers. I've already used (and liked) this site for making diapers and now I've found a new pattern that I plan to try as soon as I get a chance. It looks really easy and it's very cute and looks to me like it would work really well. Making diapers is one way to fulfill some of my crazy nesting instincts! I like doing that in preparation for a new baby. :)


april said...

Popping over to say "hi" and "thanks for commenting on my blog." I'm so impressed that you are sewing some of your diapers. I'm just thinking about knitting some longies. right now, my knitting is pretty uneven, but I'm hoping to improve.

I saw that we have a lot of the same interests: CDing, BFing, MW, babywearing, etc. I saw TBOBB in L.A. w/ Ricky Lake. It was pretty cool. Hope you are having a happy start to your week!

Lisa said...

Hey Rebecca, I just left a comment on your last CD post (the link you posted on my blog)...
This is a very informative post!

Kelley said...

My new favorite diaper is the Thirsties AIO. I got a few from the outlet store and they are wonderful. So trim yet absorbent and I love not having to stuff or put a cover over them.

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