Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Great Quote from the President of ICAN

Natural birth is not about suffering, being a show off or doing it just for the experience. It IS about working with your baby and body. It IS about what evidence says is overall the healthiest option. About tuning into your instincts. About patience, determination, stamina, & getting over the wall that so many of us hit. It isn't often about pain free though that can happen. If I can do it, so can you.

I totally agree. And she says correctly that it isn't "just for the experience." That is also true for me, though I have to admit that the experience itself is life-changing and something I will cherish forever.

I would add that the same goes for VBAC and it deeply pains me to see so many women who won't even consider it or try because of all the misinformation they've been fed and all the misconceptions they have.